
Stopped by the Police
March 25, 2007, 4:48 pm
Filed under: bittbox, grunge, photography, police

As some of you may know, I’m a keen photographer, and in my new job I do a bit of design too. I read this tutorial on Bittbox about creating vector grunge images, and thought I’d give it a try.

brickI was walking home and saw a wall with some interesting tool marks on the stone, which I thought would be perfect to give it a try on, so I crouched down and took a few snaps of the stone. As I stood up to walk off, a couple of police men in a car stopped and asked what I was doing.

I know what your thinking, this is where they get all shirty and demand that I delete the photos and want to look at the rest of my images, but that’s not what happened at all, I explained why I was taking pictures of a single brick, they looked a bit bemused and thought I was a bit weird, but they were nice enough and let me go, no hassle.

Just thought I’d share that, considering the stories some people tell.